Thursday, 8 May 2014

Plumbing Services in Edmonton for a Residential Buildings

Planning, design, construction, installation and maintenance are five important stages in built Environment which are controlled by the rules and regulation of the plan sanctioning authority.

Plumbing and  building services occupy space. They are connected to the construction. They required openings through the walls for pipes, need provision of ducts for water and drainage pipes. Air conditioning ducts need support and leakages may harm walls and floors.

Today’s residential and public buildings are getting bigger and much more complex. They need better lighting, air conditioning and different services.

Working Details, Schedule and Specifications

Residential Plumbing Services includes planning, design, construction and installation of water supply, draining and sanitation and gas supply systems.

Design of Pipelines

Design is done as per plumbing rules of the plan sanctioning authority and recommendations and water requirements for five safety. Water supply requirements of water, rate of supply in litres per head per day, diameter and material of pipe from ground storage to overhead storage tank and from overhead storage tank to different units are other consideration involved.

Drainage System

The design of drainage system includes; Design of pipes, traps, as per one pipe or two systems, antisyphonage pipe, septic tank, connection of drainage system to municipal line or septic tank.

Testing of the water and drainage line is essential to check if there are any leakage problems.

The plumbing system should be designed with reference to:
  1. Use of minimum of water for proper performance, diameter of pipe, minimum length of pipe, self cleaning velocity, etc.
  2. To avoid cross connections between the water line and drainage line.
  3. A well ventilated drainage system with no danger of siphonage or forcing of water seal under conditions of ordinary use.
  4. Waterproofing of floor, walls, protection of concealed pipes of hot and cold water.
  5. Solar system for hot water-  design of system, storage and connections to different units.
  6. Preparation of final layout plans showing water and drainage pipes and carious details.

Plumbing services

The planning, design, construction and installation of water supply, drainage, sanitation and gas supply system is to be done as per Piper Plumbing the Best Plumbing Services Edmonton (Section 1) water supply, (Section 2) drainage and sanitation and (Section 3) Gas supply.

The initial cost and cost of maintenance of the building and plumbing services are the main consideration while designing the services. Different service engineers are requisitioned according to the nature of the building and entrusted with the work of planning and designing. The shape of the building, area for the location of units, minimum length of service lines, arrangement for carrying out maintenance without disturbing normal working , etc. are some of the points for decisions.

Specification of trouble free maintenance , safety for building services and specification for water supply pumps, pipes, leakage free connections, safety valves, etc. are some main consideration for Plumbing Services. Use of new material and machinery as well as of an economical design needs coordination with the architect, structural designer, services engineer and plan sanctioning authority. It is essential to achieve coordination right from the initial planning stage to certain period before the completion of work.

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent tips. Really useful stuff .Never had an idea about this, will look for more of such informative posts from your side.. Good job...Keep it up
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